
Discipline in mossad training
Discipline in mossad training

discipline in mossad training

Spiritual care in the United States had its beginnings in religious institutions as it was not uncommon for individuals with personal problems, which were often spiritual or existential in nature, to seek out their clergy for advice and counseling.

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(It should be noted that the authors of this commentary are utilizing the United States as a proxy for “Western Civilization” in general since there is significant sharing of knowledge between the US, Canada, and Great Britain in these areas). In order to more fully understand the dynamics of spiritual care in Israel, it is necessary to start with a brief look at spiritual care in the United States, since, as will be seen, the nascent Israeli model has, to a significant degree, used the U.S.

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In essence, this study, submitted in proximity to the certification of the first Israeli professional spiritual care providers and published just a few months later, gives the relatively new profession of spiritual care several important insights regarding their approach to the patients that they are both caring for now and will be encountering in the future. They found these themes to be compatible with other studies published both in Israel and abroad, and concluded that any intervention models developed to address existential and spiritual suffering should incorporate these strategies.

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Through interviews and analysis of the content, the authors were able to classify the various coping strategies used by the patients into five broad categories: openness and choosing to face reality connectedness and the significance of family pursuit of meaning the connection of mind, body, and spirit and humor and a positive outlook. Bentur et al.’s study evaluated the various strategies that a group of Israeli patients with advanced cancer utilized to cope with the existential and spiritual suffering that often accompanies such illnesses. submitted for publication the article entitled “Coping strategies for existential and spiritual suffering in Israeli patients with advanced cancer,” which is the subject of this commentary. Not entirely by coincidence, one week prior to the certification ceremony, Bentur et al. Recommendations are then presented as to how Israel, by mirroring the US experience, can create a spiritual care model that is unique to the specific needs of Israeli patients, while fostering its increased recognition as a fully integrated healthcare discipline in Israel. As the Israeli model of spiritual care is, to some degree, modeled after its counterpart in the US, this commentary compares and contrasts the two in the areas of: history, population demographics, acceptance by the healthcare system, and the available body of research. significantly contributes to the advancement of spiritual care in Israel by giving spiritual care providers valuable knowledge as to how the patients they care for cope with the existential and spiritual suffering of advanced illness. The goal has been to create a spiritual care model unique to Israel. It has evolved over the past decade through the collaboration of multiple Israeli healthcare professionals, with assistance from interested professionals primarily from the US. Spiritual care is a relatively new healthcare discipline in Israel.

Discipline in mossad training